Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

…..and now for something completely different

Wednesday, August 9th, 2017

I am quite honoured to be included as an advisor and presenter in the inaugural Phoenix Training and Professional Development Program taking place from August 13-16th in Squamish BC.  This music industry event is an initiative of Music BC, SFU Beede School of Business and supported by Creative BC and FACTOR



I am deep into creating my presentation, a case study of my real business, using the Business Model Canvas for formulating a future action plan and discussing how business adapts to personal priorities over an extended career.

In addition, I am partnered with Terry Mcbride of Nettwerk records along with 4 other business leaders, as advisors to the lucky 12 music professionals selected to be part of the development program!




Preparing for my Phoenix presentation

I am looking forward to being part of this event and there is no doubt that this will be a great opportunity for everyone to gain some insight and knowledge as well as open a few doors to previously unseen directions.


More Information:


 PHOENIX will provide participants with practical business guidance. It will include a comprehensive review of the different business models found in the contemporary music sector, as well as deep analysis of each business model brought to the lab. Advisers and mentors are drawn from both the music industry and the business world, to give participants a range of perspectives on possibilities and ways forward. The work becomes more personalized for each participant as the workshops progress. Psychology sessions are incorporated to give participants tools for working more efficiently and achieving better work/life balance. Resilience, time and behavioral management are also topics that will be covered in the program.

Imagery That Stirs – my new website

Wednesday, August 24th, 2016


Imagery that stirs

For the last few months I have been working on a what has been, a labour of love and I am really pleased to be able to finally share my new completely redesigned and updated website to showcase my images!

Photography has been a means of expression, and a source of art and commerce in my life for almost as long as I can remember. I cherish being able to tell stories and communicate ideas and thoughts through imagery.

I have always sought an emotional response to my images, personal or assignment related. To create imagery that stirs …memories, desires, compassion, involvement, fun, or other connections with the viewer.

People inspire me. Children and those who better our world inspire me. The quality of light and how it plays in the beauty of art and nature inspires me. I am always inspired by the creative ways in which people communicate.

As a social and active person, I have enjoyed meeting and interacting with many people who have contributed to making my life much fuller and richer. It is only natural that my images reflect things important in my life; people doing things in interesting places.

I call Vancouver my home, but you may find me working wherever my skills are required. Check out the galleries  “Places I Have Wandered” and “Italy” to see where I have had the privilege to shoot.  “Plantlife” and “Concrete Jungle” are the first of my return to the personal vision and art of the beauty around us.

I hope you will check out the site and would love to hear any feedback. Of course, if you see something that you like and I could help you with your image needs, give me a call!

Thanksgiving for all reasons!

Sunday, October 13th, 2013

Thanksgiving comes in all shapes and sizes,
For all reasons and beliefs,
For family and friends, support and health,
For whatever you have to be thankful for,
Hopefully you’ll have the best of all
for you this weekend
Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving comes in all shapes and sizes for all reasons

Thanksgiving comes in all shapes and sizes for all reasons

Photohaus Mobileography 2013 Gallery Show

Thursday, July 25th, 2013
geometrics photography by rick etkin, all rights reserved copyright 2012

Iphoneography geometrics photography by rick etkin, all rights reserved copyright 2012

So pleased to be included in this year’s photohaus mobileography show. It’s great to feel recognized for the fun I have had creating iphone based images over the past year. Proving that the best camera is the one you have with you, I have shot more freely and more personally that I have for some time.

I am honoured to have a total of 9 pieces made up of 18 of my images on display in the gallery. The opening is tomorrow (Friday 26th at 7pm) and is open to the public. Come out and see how creative photographers make use of cameras that come with a phone and a computer!

The show is up until August 17th


Returning To My Roots

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

After a seemingly extended absence from the world of actual image creation, filling my time with producing events,  nonprofit leadership, the corporate world, arts connections, software training, instagram and social media, I need to remind the world I really am a photographer first and foremost.

To get back into the minds of my clients (who must have wondered where I’ve been), I will be doing even more social media, promotion and getting my work back into view everywhere!

I’m already online at,  instagram and on facebook. Not to mention twitter  @ricketkin and on  So now I’m integrating all of this to get some great followers and creating valuable and exciting content that will be noticed.

Oh right, and of course in between all of the marketing I will be shooting, creating, producing and make a living!

Jason Loutitt Ultramarathoner

From a series of portraits I’ve started about interesting people

Ah the life of a photographer.

The Showdown interviews on Global Morning News and Urban Rush

Thursday, November 25th, 2010

John and Rick during the Urban Rush interview - will be online Nov 29th

John Lee and I will be talking about Friday’s Showdown presentation on Global TV Morning News at 8:10am Friday morning followed by Shaw’s Urban Rush to be shown at 5:00pm
Tickets for the show are available online at:
or at the door after 6:00pm

Winnipeg Presentation – My Personal Games Experience

Saturday, June 5th, 2010

Click for video
A very quick look at my games experience – an excerpt from the presentation.

A short but successful trip to Winnipeg. Thanks to my host Ron Weston, Superintendent of the St James-Assiniboia School District (and a former volunteer in press operations at the Whistler Media Centre during the Olympics) I was able to share my experience of the Games with photography and art teachers from the district..

The participants of the presentation wearing the latest in photo ID

The multi image extravaganza covered the steps through my time at VANOC and the role that I played and how it related to the photography that was seen around the world. It starts with the destination (an amazing collection of photos from the Games) and then changes to the journey of how the photos came into existence. Many thank yous to the photographers who allowed me to share their work!

The talk included insightful peeks behind the scenes of the photographers at work. There were great portraits of my colleagues, who made the experience so great, and views of some of the planning that it took to accomplish all of the success. The participants gained a lot clearer idea of what was involved in my role at the Games.

The instructors were there to see something that they have not experienced in photography and then discuss ways to help motivate their students to explore and enjoy photography in school and beyond. I believe that the day was a success the teachers had lots to talk about after.

I would be happy to share the presentation with others that are interested, send me an email  for more details.

Some sites around Winnipeg which had record rains a couple of days earlier.

Heavy rains raised river levels in Manitoba past flood stage and made this walkway at The Forks impassible.

Stairs to an underwater walkway at The Forks

The Palm Lounge at The Fort Garry. Not a bad place to spend time on tech support to sort out software problem. Good java and jazz found here.

28 Years later…BC Place roof comes down

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010
BC Place roof comes down

The start of deflation of BC Place Roof May 4 2010

Today I stood and watched the roof of BC Place Stadium, deflate for the last time. The stadium was  home of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Opening and Closing Ceremonies as well as the BC Lions, The Whitecaps, countless concerts, trade shows and film productions.

It was about 28 years ago, when the view was very different, that I stood inside as the inflatable roof was raised, I won’t say it seemed like yesterday but  it really was something that was important to me at the time…. A few months later, I shot an exterior image from the South shore of False Creek.  My photograph became the official poster for the opening of BC Place. I tried to find it in my archives, but haven’t located it yet, thus is the case with film and print archives, searching through digital archives is so much easier.

BC Place Roof halfway deflated on May 4 2010

Bc Place roof all gone

The roof is completely deflated - May 4th 2010 about 11:40 in the morning

It only took about an hour in the sunshine for the roof to come down and change the skyline of the city. A new retractable roof will be in place in about 18 months and the stadium will reopen and once again change the skyline of Vancouver.

These photos were taken from the Eastern Shore of False Creek near the Telus World of Science. There was a very patient crowd taking in the moment. A few photographers were in attendance including one of Vancouver’s true veterans, Andy Clark.

Andy Clark

Andy Clark captures BC place roof deflation on May 4 2010

Oddly enough, a Bollywood film was being shot on the seawall to the south of where I watched. Interesting to hear “Action” and “Cut”in Hindi

Xpose 2010 – CAPIC National show features Rick’s Work

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010
Gratitude week Series

Xpose 2010 features 3 images from Rick Etkin

Rick Etkin is pleased to announce that images from a series that he shot for Gratitude in Vancouver are included in the CAPIC Xpose show.  A triptych of three images is being showcased in the exhibition that opened May 2nd,  the Xpose book printed collection and web gallery. (now online)


Photographer           Rick Etkin
Creative Director     Rik Klingle – RikWrites
Production                filmgroup vancouver

Xpose, now in its third year, is a juried exhibition of work from members of the Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators in Communications (CAPIC). The images are created by talented artists at the forefront of commercial photography and illustration in Canada.

The exhibition is part of the Toronto Contact Photography Festival in May

Photos: CAPIC Xpose 2010 group show
Where: Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie, Toronto, 416-392-7834,
When: May 1-8
reception 1-4 pm May 2

Chapter President of CAPIC Vancouver

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Shortly after completing my contract at the Olympics, I was recruited, drafted and voted in (all in one evening) as the Vancouver Chapter President of CAPIC  ( Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators in Communications). This is a reprise of the role I held for several years as the founding president of the chapter many years ago. From there, I spent another 6 years on the National Board in one role or another.

It seemed like a good idea at the time…

I am actually quite honoured to be active again in CAPIC. I am certainly more experienced at the handling of volunteers and administration after working at the Games. I now feel that my skills can be put to good use. One of many goals is to increase the involvement of Illustrators in the chapter. Other plans include continuing to raise the profile of CAPIC to our clients to make members the first choice for top photography and illustration.

The board has been well run by Byron Smith along with lots of energetic committed members and volunteers – sounds just like the Olympics.

The Games End…A Blog Begins

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

The Torch reaches Whistler Village to a welcome of thousands of cheering fans

It has been an experience that I will remember forever. For those that didn’t know of my contract with the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games, I have spent the last eighteen months as Supervisor of Photo Services for the Mountains in Press Operations. I started in October 2008  and worked inside the Games until late March. In that time I worked closely with my two colleagues, Nick Didlick – Photo Manager and Alain-Pierre Hovasse – my city equivalent (more about them later) with a photo team that eventually reached over thirty managers and supervisors and over two hundred volunteers. That was just our photo operations team, the whole press team reached over five hundred people and the Games more than twenty thousand.

In 2009 I was the Photo Manager at eight World Cups in the Whistler area and helped with the planning for all of the photo positions, infrastructure and technology that would be required for the 740 photographers accredited to the Games. During the Olympics, I oversaw the photography operations for The Whistler Media Centre and Whistler Medals Plaza as Venue Photo Manager. My work expanded for the Paralympics as I was also the Venue Photo Manager for alpine racing at Whistler Creekside.

I was often working in the best, most exciting places at the Games. You can only imagine what it was like to be standing at the lip of the Large Hill Ski jump at Whistler Olympic park as the competitors launched into space at 100kph or at the Whistler Sliding Centre with a Luge blasting by at over 150hph. Blink and they were gone, but the sound and memories will never fade.

My plans were to start this blog before the Games began and share some of my experiences and photos as it happened. The best laid plans often take a left turn as there simply weren’t enough hours in the day, and since there were maybe only 3 days off from Mid January until  the end of the Paralympics I had to shift my priorities.

Photographers at whistler Creekside

Waiting in a snowstorm for the Medals ceremonies at Whistler Creekside / 2010 Paralympics

I am now gathering my thoughts and images to share, hoping that I can give you a small insider’s taste of what it was like to be involved in the largest event in the world in a role that played on all of my experience as a photographer, producer, manager, planner, film-maker and scheduler….

More to come.